本帖最后由 hcz 于 2011-5-29 16:47 编辑
- unit Calc;
- interface
- uses
- Math, Classes;
- type
- CalcReal = Double;//or Single
- const
- sopps = '+-*/^';
- function evaluate(var s0:string):CalcReal;
- function evastring(var s0:string):string;
- implementation
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //from z_parser
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- procedure matchbracket(s0:string;var i:integer);
- var j:integer;
- begin
- j := 1;
- repeat inc(i);
- if i>length(s0) then begin s0 := s0+')';dec(j);end;//raise EparserError.Create('missing '')''');
- if s0='(' then inc(j);
- if s0=')' then dec(j);
- if j<0 then begin s0 := '('+s0;inc(j);inc(i);end; //raise EparserError.Create('missing ''(''');
- until j=0;
- end;
- function getvalue(s0:string):CalcReal;
- begin
- {if s0 = 'w' then Result := form1.Width
- else if s0 = 'h' then Result := form1.Height
- ...
- else if }s0[1] in ['0'..'9','+','-','.'] then Result := strtofloat(s0);
- end;
- //函数相关
- function specialF(p1:integer;s0:string):CalcReal;
- var
- operstr,tmpstr: string;
- aa: TStrings;
- bb: array of double;
- tmp,tmp2: integer;
- begin
- Randomize;
- operstr := copy(s0,1,p1-1);
- s0 := copy(s0,p1,Length(s0)-p1);
- aa := TStringList.Create;
- aa.Add('');
- tmp2 := 1;
- for tmp := 1 to Length(s0) do case s0[tmp] of
- '(':Inc(tmp2);
- ')':Dec(tmp2);
- ',':if tmp2 = 1 then aa.Add('');
- else if tmp2 = 1 then aa[aa.Count-1] := aa[aa.Count-1]+s0[tmp];
- end;
- ExtractStrings([','],[],PChar(copy(s0,p1+1,length(s0)-p1-1)),aa);
- SetLength(bb,aa.Count);
- for tmp := 0 to aa.Count-1 do begin
- tmpstr := aa[tmp];
- bb[tmp] := evaluate(tmpstr);
- end;
- if operstr = 'max' then Result := MaxValue(bb)
- else if operstr = 'min' then Result := MinValue(bb)
- else if operstr = 'sum' then Result := Sum(bb)
- else if operstr = 'sumsqr' then Result := SumOfSquares(bb)
- else if operstr = 'std' then Result := StdDev(bb)
- else if operstr = 'nprm' then Result := Norm(bb)
- else if operstr = 'sgn' then Result := Sign(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'sin' then Result := sin(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'cos' then Result := cos(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'tan' then Result := tan(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'cot' then Result := cot(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'sec' then Result := sec(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'csc' then Result := csc(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'arcsin' then Result := ArcSin(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'arccos' then Result := ArcCos(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'arctan' then begin if Length(bb) > 1 then Result := ArcTan2(bb[0],bb[1]) else Result := ArcTan(bb[0]) end
- else if operstr = 'arccot' then begin if Length(bb) > 1 then Result := ArcTan2(bb[1],bb[0]) else Result := ArcCot(bb[0]) end
- else if operstr = 'arcsec' then Result := ArcSec(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'arccsc' then Result := ArcCsc(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'sinh' then Result := sinh(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'cosh' then Result := cosh(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'tanh' then Result := tanh(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'coth' then Result := coth(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'sech' then Result := sech(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'csch' then Result := csch(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'arcsinh' then Result := ArcSinh(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'arccosh' then Result := ArcCosh(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'arctanh' then Result := ArcTanh(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'arccoth' then Result := ArcCoth(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'arcsech' then Result := ArcSech(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'arccsch' then Result := ArcCsch(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'deg' then Result := RadToDeg(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'rad' then Result := DegToRad(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'hypot' then Result := Hypot(bb[0],bb[1])
- else if operstr = 'div' then Result := Round(bb[0]) div Round(bb[1])
- else if operstr = 'mod' then Result := Round(bb[0]) mod Round(bb[1])
- else if operstr = 'shl' then Result := Round(bb[0]) shl Round(bb[1])
- else if operstr = 'shr' then Result := Round(bb[0]) shr Round(bb[1])
- else if operstr = 'log' then begin if Length(bb) > 1 then Result := ln(bb[0])/ln(bb[1]) else Result := log10(bb[0]) end
- else if operstr = 'lg' then Result := log10(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'log2' then Result := log2(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'ln' then Result := ln(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'exp' then Result := exp(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'sqrt' then Result := sqrt(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'ceil' then Result := ceil(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'floor' then Result := floor(bb[0])
- else if operstr = 'round' then begin if Length(bb) > 1 then Result := RoundTo(bb[0],Round(bb[1])) else Result := Round(bb[0]) end
- else if operstr = 'rand' then Result := random(Round(bb[0]))
- else if operstr = 'random' then Result := random(Round(bb[0]))
- else if operstr = 'randr' then Result := bb[0]*random(65536)/65535
- else if operstr = 'randg' then Result := RandG(bb[0],bb[1])
- else if operstr = 'time' then Result := ntime[Round(bb[0])]
- else if operstr = 'select' then Result := bb[Round(bb[0])]
- else if operstr = 'speed' then Result := bb[0]*bb[1] + (1-bb[0])*bb[2]
- else if operstr = 'if' then case Length(bb) of
- 1: Result := Ord(bb[0] > 0);
- 2: if bb[0] > 0 then Result := bb[1] else Result := 0;
- else if bb[0] > 0 then Result := bb[1] else Result := bb[2];
- end
- else if operstr = 'case' then begin //a in [c..d] then b
- Result := 0;
- for tmp := 1 to (Length(bb)-1) div 3 do
- if (bb[0] >= bb[tmp*3-2]) and (bb[0] <= bb[tmp*3-1]) then Result := Result + bb[tmp*3];
- end
- else if operstr = 'switch' then begin //a of b (c) d (e) f...>=
- if Odd(Length(bb)) then begin SetLength(bb,Length(bb)+1);bb[Length(bb)-1] := 0;end;
- if bb[0] < bb[2] then Result := bb[1];
- for tmp := 1 to Length(bb) div 2 - 2 do
- if (bb[0] >= bb[tmp*2]) and (bb[0] < bb[tmp*2+2]) then Result := bb[tmp*2+1];
- if bb[0] >= bb[Length(bb)-2] then Result := bb[Length(bb)-1];
- end
- else if operstr = 'switch2' then begin //a of b (c) d (e) f...>
- if Odd(Length(bb)) then begin SetLength(bb,Length(bb)+1);bb[Length(bb)-1] := 0;end;
- if bb[0] <= bb[2] then Result := bb[1];
- for tmp := 1 to Length(bb) div 2 - 2 do
- if (bb[0] > bb[tmp*2]) and (bb[0] <= bb[tmp*2+2]) then Result := bb[tmp*2+1];
- if bb[0] > bb[Length(bb)-2] then Result := bb[Length(bb)-1];
- end
- {这里可以添加新的函数}
- else Result := rcltodo(obj[Round(bb[0])].now,operstr);
- aa.Free;
- bb := nil;
- end;
- //简单的计算
- function calculate(p1:integer;s0:string):CalcReal;
- var v1,v2:CalcReal;ts:string;
- begin
- ts := copy(s0,1,p1-1);
- v1 := evaluate(ts);
- ts := copy(s0,p1+1,length(s0)-p1);
- v2 := evaluate(ts);
- case s0[p1] of
- '+': result := v1+v2;
- '-': result := v1-v2;
- '/': result := v1/v2;
- '*': result := v1*v2;
- '^': result := exp(v2*ln(v1));
- else EparserError.CreateFmt('invalid operation %s',[s0]);
- end;
- end;
- //查找第一个操作符号
- function getfirstopp(tot:integer;s0:string):integer;
- var i:integer;
- begin
- if tot=0 then tot := length(s0);
- //前面的定义sopps='+-*/^'
- for i := 1 to 5 do begin
- result := pos(sopps,s0);
- //如果找到+-号
- if ((i<3) and (result>0)) then
- if ((result=1) or (pos(s0[result-1],sopps)>0)) then result := 0;
- //如果找到,但是在s0的中间,那么退出,返回运算符号
- if result>0 then if result<tot then exit;
- end;
- //如果找到在tot后,则返回0,即错误的返回
- if result>tot then result := 0;
- end;
- //把空格和tab,enter清理掉
- procedure cleanup(var s0:string);
- var i:integer;
- begin
- s0 := lowercase(s0);
- i := pos(' ',s0);
- while i>0 do
- begin
- delete(s0,i,1);
- i := pos(' ',s0);
- end;
- i := pos(#9,s0);
- while i>0 do
- begin
- delete(s0,i,1);
- i := pos(#9,s0);
- end;
- i := pos(#10,s0);
- while i>0 do
- begin
- delete(s0,i,1);
- i := pos(#10,s0);
- end;
- i := pos(#13,s0);
- while i>0 do
- begin
- delete(s0,i,1);
- i := pos(#13,s0);
- end;
- end;
- //===============主程序的解析计算==============
- function evaluate(s0:string):CalcReal;
- var
- p1,p2,q1:integer;
- begin
- cleanup(s0);
- //如果首行为负号
- if pos('-',s0)=1 then s0 := '0'+s0;
- p1 := pos('(',s0);
- p2 := p1;
- //检查括号是否匹配
- if p2>0 then matchbracket(p2,s0);
- //如果第一个就是'('那么把前后的括号去掉,继续计算;
- if p1=1 then begin
- if p2=length(s0) then begin
- delete(s0,p2,1);
- delete(s0,1,1);
- result := evaluate(s0);
- end
- else result := calculate(p2+1,s0);
- exit;
- end;
- //在第一个不是括号情况下的运算=(普通计算+函数符号计算)
- //取得第一个运算符号
- q1 := getfirstopp(p1,s0);
- //p1=0且q1=0,那么最后的计算值显示
- if (p1=0) and (q1=0) then begin
- result := getvalue(s0);
- //result := strtofloat(s0);
- exit;
- end;
- //运算符号存在
- if q1<>0 then result := calculate(q1,s0)
- //运算符号不存在,但是括号存在
- else if length(s0)>p2 then result := calculate(p2+1,s0)
- else result := specialF(p1,s0);
- end;
- //===============字符串的解析计算==============
- function evastring(s0:string):string;//hcz edit
- const cchar = '|';
- var tmp: integer;bl: Boolean;ps: string;
- begin
- //if s0[Length(s0)] <> cchar then s0 := s0 + cchar;
- result := '';bl := false;
- for tmp := 1 to length(s0) do if bl then begin
- if s0[tmp] = cchar then begin
- if ps<>'' then Result := Result + FloatToStr(evaluate(ps)) else Result := Result + cchar;
- bl := false;
- end else begin
- ps := ps + s0[tmp];
- end
- end else begin
- if s0[tmp] = cchar then begin
- ps := '';
- bl := true;
- end else begin
- Result := Result + s0[tmp];
- end
- end;
- if bl then begin
- if ps<>'' then Result := Result + FloatToStr(evaluate(ps)) else Result := Result + cchar;
- end;
- end;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //z_parser end
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- end.
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