[紧急求助] CM-C CAS开机就重启
各位大牛,请教一个问题:我的CM-C CAS计算器本来是3.2的OS,为了刷NDLESS降级到了3.1,降级过程就是把3.1的系统用同步软件拖到计算器中。
降级完成之后,刷了NDLESS 3.1,
你再重装一下系统试试 434869 发表于 2016-7-20 10:18
您好,我的计算器根本无法开机,如何重装系统呢? amturing 发表于 2016-7-20 13:56
复位键按了有反应么? 434869 发表于 2016-7-20 14:19
依旧如此,重复重启 It can happen on all color Nspire, even without Ndless.
Launch the Diags software to fix the problem :
- press and hold the reset button
- without releasing it, press and hold Esc+Menu+Minus
- without releasing them, release the reset button (calculator should automatically turn on - if not, press On)
- release all keys
The calculator should automatically start the Diags software, which should report you a GPIO error.
Confirm the fix with the Esc button.
Once you reach the Diags main menu, press 'reset' and your OS should start normally. :) critor 发表于 2016-7-20 20:55
It can happen on all color Nspire, even without Ndless.
Launch the Diags software to fix the prob ...
谢谢,我已经用类似的方法(按的是ee而不是减号)删除了原来的系统,重装了系统。 critor 发表于 2016-7-20 20:55
It can happen on all color Nspire, even without Ndless.
Launch the Diags software to fix the prob ...
谢谢,我已经用类似的方法(按的是ee而不是减号)删除了原来的系统,重装了系统。 critor 发表于 2016-7-20 20:55
It can happen on all color Nspire, even without Ndless.
Launch the Diags software to fix the prob ...
谢谢,我已经用类似的方法(按的是ee而不是减号)删除了原来的系统,重装了系统。 最后解决了没有,刚刚入手个3.2的,也想弄成3.1呢 楼主最后怎么解决的,我的cm也想降级到3.1。