真正的ndless 3.1预告……
CountdownWe are getting ready for 8 colorful rockets, stay tuned…——by ExtendeD
http://ndlessly.wordpress.com/ 有下载嘛? http://ndlessly.wordpress.com/
打不开? 坑爹! Ndless 3.1 coming soon?
09 January, 2012, 19:30:15 by DJ_O
There are rumors that Ndless might be coming soon, maybe even at the end of this month. However, as with any project, expected release dates should not be taken for granted, because anything wrong can happen. However, this is still a good sign that major progress has been made with the beta-testing and that it is coming soon, given the proof of concept videos posted recently by various community members, showcasing color ports of gbc4nspire and nDoom, for example:
Omnimaga的预告,估计要到月底 wordpress被墙了。悲剧。 网址打不开,和谐了? 本帖最后由 l5h5t7 于 2012-1-16 10:27 编辑
改Hosts,HTTPS直连也不行。 怎么回事,拿手机可以打开,电脑就不行? 大家拿手机上吧,uc在cm7上无压力浏览 恩,可能和ua有关系……,用uc的时候调成默认 打倒一切走资派 打到牛鬼蛇神! 1234567 因为手机网络的原因,你想想,移动网络和宽带网络运营商一样么?我以前上国外网站基本都用手机上...不过是2g网络,一个月那流量给我走的!