今天才发现,Ti-planet的404页面太霸气了!链接,不保证有效 http://tiplanet.org/forum/download/download/file.php?id=521&sid=b701082577c745815c28eadc716b0f1b
果然够霸气 I created that logo :P
Some people think it's nice, some say it's just "ok" :P
At least it's better than "404 error" as a simple text at the bottom of the page.
Have you encoutered this page when browsing for something ? adriweb 发表于 2013-5-4 23:13 static/image/common/back.gif
I created that logo :P
Some people think it's nice, some say it's just "ok" :P
At least it's bette ...
I think this logo is very good.
I love calculators on the logo :) I like every calculators on the logotoo
And I have one of them.
Impressive~ 晕,好多计算器都叫不出名字来