Ti-Nspire non-cas can't get update!
本帖最后由 水瓜 于 2013-11-2 17:14 编辑Bonjour~
I would say sorry I can't write french..
(QAQ I can't even use English well,so please ignore the grammar mistakes and wrong nouns..{:wink:})
I bought the NSPIRE non-cas,but I found out that I can't update the OS.
The native verison is 1.1.x,but I can't remember the excat verison.
If I try to update the OS,I will see the error like that.
English for @ciritor
I think it will be the matter about the native OS, so I "home+p+enter" to formal my nspire。{:shocked:}{:shocked:}
It is nothing difference between my delete opreation.ERROR“os file is corrupt or invalid”(“操作系统文件已损坏或无效”).
I went to TI PLANET,and read many problems.@critor said it was because,nspire with 1.1.x OS has boot2 1.1, so we should update it to OS 1.4 -> OS 1.7 -> OS 2.x then we can enjoy it.{:shocked:}{:shocked:}{:shocked:}{:shocked:}
device information:
I tried many OSs.
Those are the OSs what I've tried...No one can bring me success.
it's the list:
PS:Keyboard has "SCHOOL PROPERTY",and with "2066029435 P-0508D" on the back.
I don't think it's a prototype .But we can find the squre in the left top corner.I think the shell was changed by seller....So sad.
well,critor, how can i deal with it?{:shocked:}{:shocked:}{:shocked:}{:shocked:}{:shocked:}{:shocked:}
I have seen your solution for ti-nspire CAS,but I still can't repair my nspire......{:sad:}{:sad:}{:sad:}
本帖最后由 水瓜 于 2013-11-2 17:11 编辑
应该都懂的因为有critor就用English发了 工程机
哇哈还有30奖励 又不像是原型机或者工程机…SCHOOL PROPERTY仅仅表示学校用的这个任何一个企业或者学校都会把自己的财产贴上…哦有奖励好开星 咦楼主你删了系统……
可是到底是不是DVT或者是EVT?求DATE STAMP 就是背后下方的那个。如果知道开发版本号应该能找出对应的OS? 朔雪X忆 发表于 2013-11-2 18:42 static/image/common/back.gif
看来要去JS处要系统? 水瓜 发表于 2013-11-2 19:34 static/image/common/back.gif
啊对了你换个老版本TI-LINK呢? 朔雪X忆 发表于 2013-11-2 20:24 static/image/common/back.gif
我用过1.4版本的,没成功 本帖最后由 critor 于 2013-11-3 01:48 编辑
You've got a prototype which is set to accept only development images, as we can see with the symbol in the top left-hand corner of the boot screen:
So it's going to reject all production images available on education.ti.com.
But don't worry, it's possible to modify it through software into a production model and to upgrade it up to OS 3.2!{:thumbsup:}
First, we have to make it usable again. Please install development OS 1.1.9227. It should work without any problem. :)
Then, we need to install a special Ndless 1.1 build designed for prototypes running OS 1.1.9227:
Ndless 1.1 uses the old TI-Nspire connectivity libraries. In order to be able to install it, you'll probably need to install TI-Nspire Computer Link 1.4 or older and to make it work:
Making it work might require to temporary uninstall all more recent version (especially v3) of the TI-Nspire softwares.
Once Ndless is installed, please send the polydumper program for OS 1.1.9227 and post the created boot2.img and diags.img files here.
Then we can go on upgrading your prototype. :)
Ndless 1.1 installation can be quite tricky and random. Feel free to ask for help as much as needed. I did it many times. ;) 其实我的TP也有过(怎么传文件都是损坏)
JS竟然知道换壳!! 1. 装 1.3版Computer Link软件(1.0太低, 等下没法刷ndless, 太高的版本有的认不出工程机器)
2. 刷工程机专用OS, no-cas用1.1.9227版, CAS用1.2.2344版, 这是为了方便等下刷ndless
(让我比较在意的是你的BOOT2版本是 1.2.2398,这个不像工程机的BOOT2,我下载回来的若干工程机BOOT2全部是 1.1.x的), 如果此步不成功, 可能要USB/TTL刷BOOT2, 刷个1.1.9170工程机版的BOOT2吧.
此时, 你应该有正常能用的 1.1.9227/1.2.2344工程机了! 但没完, 这只是刷机的开始
3. 我的机器是CAS,用的1.2.2344, 下载b ndless工程机专用的1.2版ndless12_proto.zip, 确认USB连接关闭 Link1.3软件后, 双击批处理文件进行ndless化, 算是越狱吧.
如果是 非CAS同的机器, 需要找1.1.9227工程机OS对应的ndless!!
4. 下载 polydumper_prototype.zip, 找出对应版本的软件放入计算器的ndless目录下运行, dump出boot1, boot2,Diags, OS等文件, 以做备份, 刷机前先备份是好习惯! 备份后从计算器上删除这些文件(或者改名这些文件), 因为后面有同名文件要覆盖进来
5. 下载boot1 1.1.8196(CRC32为C63270B9), 还有1.1.8196的patch(一个ips文件,还有ips补丁工具)
打好补丁后的文件的CRC32是 EE76CCAD,CRC32可以压缩后在WINRAR内查看核对,
改名为 BOOT1.img.tns
4. 下载boot2 1.4版(CRC32:0C447B6D, 这个没有工程机版, 没错, 就是量产版的BOOT2), 改名为BOOT2.img.tns
5. 下载FlashBoot1_Prototype, FlashBoot2_Prototype
将 Flash_NOR_1.2.2344.tns和boot1.img.tns, 以及FlashBoot2_1.2.2344.tns和boot2.img.tns
都放入计算器上的ndless目录, 注意, 前面刷1.1.9277OS的就用1.1.9227版本, 压缩包里两者都有的.
先运行 Nor的刷BOOT1, 再刷BOO2, 都提示 Success的话, 你就已经成功了99%了!!
万一有啥不对的 千万别拨电池, 用之前的备份文件(BOO1.img, BOOT2.img)覆盖回来重刷
6. 拨电池, 等几秒, 装回电池, 重新启动快完成时会提示叫你重装OS, USB接PC... 放心升级到机器对应的OS2.1版吧, 刷好2.1后, 再刷 OS3.X都没问题了!! 你是想刷 能ndless的3.1还是 最新的 3.2.3都随便...
在你刷好boot1, boot2之后, 就已经是量产型机器, 不再是工程机了!!
PS. 刷好后的boot1是 1.1.9999这个不要在意, 实质还是 1.1.8916, 只是去除RSA认证后把版本号也给改了...网上还另有一种 boot1 1.1.9999的patch下载, 我没试过.
PS. 最最新的OS3.6暂时还是不要刷...听说工程机刷了之后降级后有砖了的.
以上是我的工程机 刷机变量产机的成功经验...中间失败地方不在少数...
下面是我自行研究的全过程, 花了4天时间...其中有几乎2个通宵
1. 到手时 BOOT2损坏, TTL刷BOOT2失败, 发现是工程机, 找到6种工程机BOOT2
2. LINK 3.X软件不认工程机, 没法USB刷, 就想 TTL刷OS, 结果一直失败...6种BOOT2 * 5种OS * 2种格式(tnc/img) 有些组合没试. 但刷了50次是有的!! 全部失败!!... 突然想起来试试低版本, 装了 LINK 1.0软件后 USB刷机成功-_-
3. Ndless失败....TMD, 删了1.0后又装了LINK 1.3Ndless成功
4. Dumper成功...但复制到PC上失败, 失败 ,N次失败!! 向计算器复制东西都OK, 复制出来, 小文件可以, 超过10K就总失败....换了根短点的 USB线OK了...擦 ...这根线带 大电流 的硬件硬盘都OK的, 另一台非CAS机器一直用着也OK, 复制进去出来都不成问题...
5. 刷完 OS2.1 想想没LUA还是刷到了OS3.2.3, 结果几乎全部LUA游戏运行都有图像问题!!
6. 刷到 OS3.1 LUA游戏运行正常了...并ndless之...就这样吧....咱不刷了!! 我的CP无CAS是洋垃圾,公布后面方格:
2036012527 S-0907A
我的就没什么问题,OS3.1无NDless 拿奖励? 水瓜, please start with my instructions above.
You've got newer versions than the ones targetted by the upgrade tutorial, and everything might not work as expected if we don't do this carefully. critor 发表于 2013-11-5 21:24 static/image/common/back.gif
水瓜, please start with my instructions above.
You've got newer versions than the ones targetted by ...
it suggests"You can't install a version of the OS that is older than the currently installed version "
i can't install OS 1.1.9227 with the "link 1.4"
Should I use USB\TTL to reflash the boot2? 本帖最后由 critor 于 2013-11-6 19:40 编辑
I thought it would work as you wrote the original version was 1.1 :(
Flashing the Boot2 1.1 just won't help or change anything for now, as the minimal installable OS version is stored outside of the Boot2 area.
For the non-CAS TI-Nspire prototype, we've only dumped 1.1 development OS versions up to now.
So it means that in the current state of your calculator, you cannot install any available OS.
I'll try to contact people and to dig into the old unreleased tools we used with the first prototypes we got. critor 发表于 2013-11-6 19:33 static/image/common/back.gif
I thought it would work as you wrote the original version was 1.1 :(
Flashing the Boot2 1.1 just wo ...
{:wacko:}Thanks 拆电池, 装电池, 按住home+B+Enter, 再按ON
用USB/TTL 刷BOOT2 1.1.8981 protype版, 不成功的话, 说明不是工程机, 就去刷正商业版的boot2 1.1.x
是工程机, 成功后再按我的教程 来刷
非工程机, 成功刷BOOT2后, 用1.7.2741.tno来升级, 然后就可以升级3.x的OS了 诗诺比 发表于 2013-11-13 20:22 static/image/common/back.gif
拆电池, 装电池, 按住home+B+Enter, 再按ON
用USB/TTL 刷BOOT2 1.1.8981 protype版, 不成功的话, 说明不 ...
弄了半天还是要去买TTL,这货TB上很多,买哪个? 诗诺比 发表于 2013-11-4 10:37
1. 装 1.3版Computer Link软件(1.0太低, 等下没法刷ndless, 太高的版本有的认不出工程机器)
2. 刷工程 ...
为什么我刷Flash_NOR_1.2.2344.tns提示我fail at 1134c/20000