楼主 |
发表于 2009-4-13 20:01:37
<P>Features<BR>MCU </P>
<P>8 bit RISC MCU <BR>8位RISC单片机</P>
<P>Operating voltage: 1.2V ~ 3.6V<BR>供电电压:1.2V~3.6V </P>
<P>Clock Source: Dual system clock<BR>时钟来源:双系统时钟</P>
<P>* Low-frequency: 32kHz Internal RC oscillator / External RC oscillator / Crystal oscillator<BR>低振荡频率:32KHZ内部RC振荡器\外部RC振荡器\晶体振荡器</P>
<P>* High-frequency: 200kHz / 300kHz / 500kHz / 1MHz Internal RC oscillator /External RC oscillator <BR>高频:200kHz / 300kHz / 500kHz / 1MHz 内部RC/外部RC</P>
<P>One Instruction cycle time = 2 x System clock time <BR>1指令周期=2系统时钟</P>
<P>Program ROM addressing: 64K words max <BR>可编程ROM:64K</P>
<P>Provides Special registers and Control registers <BR>提供特殊寄存器</P>
<P>104 bytes un-banked RAM & Working RAM <BR>104字节RAM</P>
<P>64 x 128 bytes banked RAM <BR>64x128字节RAM</P>
<P>32-level RAM stack <BR>32级RAM堆栈</P>
<P>Look-up Table function is fast and efficient when combined with REPEAT instruction <BR>高效的查表指令</P>
<P>Register-to-Register move instruction <BR>寄存器到寄存器MOV指令</P>
<P>Compare and Branch in one instruction (two cycles)<BR>比较可在1指令周期完成<BR> <BR>Single Repeat function (256 max. repeat times) <BR>单重复指令(最多256次)</P>
<P>Decimal ADD & SUB instruction <BR>小数加减操作</P>
<P>Full range CALL and JUMP ability (two cycles) <BR>全局CALL和JUMP指令</P>
<P><BR>36 general I/O pins (Port A, Port B, Port C.0~3, Port D, Port E) <BR>36个通用IO(Port A, Port B, Port C.0~3, Port D, Port E) </P>
<P>32 COM x 98 SEG LCD driver (embedded), 1/16, 1/20, 1/24, 1/28 & 1/32 duty, 1/3 & 1/4 bias. <BR>32x96LCD驱动器</P>
<P>One 16-bit timer (Timer 0) with Event counter function <BR>一个16位计时器,带有计数功能</P>
<P>One 8-bit timer (Timer 1) with wake-up function <BR>一个8位计时器,带有唤醒功能</P>
<P>One 8-bit timer (Timer 2) <BR>一个8位计时器(T2)</P>
<P>One 8-bit Watchdog Timer <BR>一个8位看门狗</P>
<P>Key I/O function with 112 keys max. <BR>最多112键键扫<BR></P> |