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发表于 2011-9-18 16:29:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Function ExistSheet(ByVal name As String) As Boolean
         Dim flag As Boolean
         flag = True
         On Error GoTo 10
           ExistSheet = flag
           Exit Function
           flag = False
           Resume Next
End Function
Function ExistChart(ByVal name As String) As Boolean
         Dim flag As Boolean
         flag = True
         On Error GoTo 10
           ExistChart = flag
           Exit Function
           flag = False
           Resume Next
End Function

Function CheckCellFormat(ByVal SheetName, CellName, CheckFormat As String) As Boolean
          If Selection.NumberFormatLocal <> CheckFormat Then
              CheckCellFormat = False
             CheckCellFormat = True
          End If
End Function
Sub SetCellValue(ByVal SheetName, CellName, CellValue As String)
     ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = CellValue
End Sub
Function GetCellValue(ByVal SheetName, ByVal CellName As String) As String
     Dim oldvalue As String
     oldvalue = Selection.NumberFormatLocal
     Selection.NumberFormatLocal = "@"
     GetCellValue = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1
     Selection.NumberFormatLocal = oldvalue
End Function
Function ColCheckFormula(ByVal SheetName, Startcol As String, ByVal rowi, rowj As Long, ByVal Formula As String) As Boolean
         Dim i As Long
         If Not ExistSheet(SheetName) Then
              MsgBox " 不存在工作表“" & SheetName, vbOKOnly
          End If
          ' coli  <=colj
         ColCheckFormula = True
         For i = rowi To rowj
            If (GetCellValue(SheetName, Startcol & i) <> Formula) Then
               ColCheckFormula = False
            End If
         Next i
End Function
Function RowCheckFormula(ByVal SheetName, Startrow As String, ByVal coli, colj As String, ByVal Formula As String) As Boolean
         Dim i As Long
         If Not ExistSheet(SheetName) Then
              MsgBox " 不存在工作表“" & SheetName, vbOKOnly
          End If
          ' coli  <=colj
         RowCheckFormula = True
         For i = Asc(coli) To Asc(colj)
            If (GetCellValue(SheetName, Chr(i) & Startrow) <> Formula) Then
               RowCheckFormula = False
            End If
         Next i
End Function

Sub FA()
  Dim ok As Boolean
  ok = True
  If Not RowCheckFormula("F", 16, "D", "H", "=R[-3]C-R[-2]C-R[-1]C") Then ok = False
  If ok Then
    SetCellValue "F", "A2", "对"
   SetCellValue "F", "A2", "错"
  End If

End Sub

Sub FB()
  Dim ok As Boolean
  ok = True
  If GetCellValue("F", "D17") <> "0" Then ok = False
  If Not RowCheckFormula("F", 17, "E", "H", "=(R[-1]C-R[-1]C[-1])/R[-1]C[-1]") Then ok = False
  If ok Then
    SetCellValue "F", "A3", "对"
   SetCellValue "F", "A3", "错"
  End If
End Sub

Sub FC()
  Dim ok As Boolean
  ok = True
   For i = Asc("D") To Asc("H")
       If Not CheckCellFormat("F", Chr(i) & 17, "0.00%") Then
          ok = False
          Exit For
        End If
   Next i

  If ok Then
    SetCellValue "F", "A4", "对"
   SetCellValue "F", "A4", "错"
  End If
End Sub

Sub FD()
    Dim ok As Boolean
    ok = True
    If Selection.Font.ColorIndex <> 2 Then ok = False
    If Selection.Font.Color <> 16777215 Then ok = False
    If Selection.Font.ColorIndex <> 11 Then ok = False
    If Selection.Font.Color <> 8388608 Then ok = False
    If ok Then
       SetCellValue "F", "A5", "对"
       SetCellValue "F", "A5", "错"
    End If
End Sub

Sub FE()
  Dim ok As Boolean
  ok = True
  If Not ExistChart("Chart1") Then ok = False
  If ok Then
  If ok And Not (ActiveChart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered) Then ok = False
  If ok And ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count <> 4 Then ok = False
  If ok Then
     For i = 1 To 4
          x = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(i).Formula
          If i = 1 And x <> "=SERIES(F!$B$13,F!$C$12:$H$12,F!$C$13:$H$13,1)" Then
             ok = False
             Exit For
          End If
           If i = 2 And x <> "=SERIES(F!$B$14,F!$C$12:$H$12,F!$C$14:$H$14,2)" Then
             ok = False
             Exit For
          End If
           If i = 3 And x <> "=SERIES(F!$B$15,F!$C$12:$H$12,F!$C$15:$H$15,3)" Then
             ok = False
             Exit For
          End If
           If i = 4 And x <> "=SERIES(F!$B$16,F!$C$12:$H$12,F!$C$16:$H$16,4)" Then
             ok = False
             Exit For
          End If
     Next i
  End If
  With ActiveChart
        If ok And .HasTitle <> True Then ok = False
        If ok And .ChartTitle.Characters.Text <> "公司情况表" Then ok = False
        If ok And .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle <> True Then ok = False
        If ok And .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text <> "年份" Then ok = False
        If ok And .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).HasTitle <> True Then ok = False
        If ok And .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text <> "金额(万)" Then ok = False
        If ok And ActiveChart.HasLegend <> True Then ok = False
        If ok And Selection.Position <> xlRight Then ok = False
    End With
  End If
  If ok Then
    SetCellValue "F", "A6", "对"
   SetCellValue "F", "A6", "错"
  End If
End Sub

Sub FF()
  Dim ok As Boolean
  ok = True
  If Not ExistChart("Chart1") Then ok = False
  If ok Then

  If ok Then
      Selection.AutoScaleFont = True
      x = Selection.Font.ColorIndex
      With Selection.Font
        If ok And .name <> "黑体" Then ok = False
        If ok And .Size <> 22 Then ok = False
        If ok And Selection.Font.Bold <> True Then ok = False
        If ok And .ColorIndex <> 5 Then ok = False
    End With
  End If
  If ActiveChart.Axes.Count <> 2 Then ok = False
  If ok Then
    With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue)
        If ok And .MaximumScale <> 1600 Then ok = False
        If ok And .MajorUnit <> 100 Then ok = False
    End With
  End If
  End If
  If ok Then
    SetCellValue "F", "A8", "对"
   SetCellValue "F", "A8", "错"
  End If
End Sub

Sub FG()
  Dim ok As Boolean
  ok = True
  If ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Count <> 1 Then ok = False
  If ok Then
     Dim x As ChartObject
     Set x = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1)
     If (ActiveSheet.Shapes( <> 16) Or (ActiveSheet.Shapes( <> 24) Then ok = flase
     If (ActiveSheet.Shapes( <> 10) Or (ActiveSheet.Shapes( <> 12) Then ok = flase
     If ActiveChart.ChartType <> xlLineMarkers Then ok = False
     If ok Then
        With ActiveChart
           If (Not .HasTitle = True Or Not .ChartTitle.Characters.Text = "利润年增长率") Then ok = False
         End With
     End If
     If ActiveChart.Axes.Count = 2 Then
        With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue)
           If ok And .MaximumScale <> 0.6 Then ok = False
           If ok And .MajorUnit <> 0.05 Then ok = False
         End With
     End If
     If ok And ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count <> 1 Then ok = False
    If ok Then
     For i = 1 To 1
          y = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(i).Formula
          If i = 1 And y <> "=SERIES(F!$B$17,F!$C$12:$H$12,F!$C$17:$H$17,1)" Then
             ok = False
             Exit For
          End If
           If i = 2 And y <> "=SERIES(F!$B$14,F!$C$12:$H$12,F!$C$14:$H$14,2)" Then
             ok = False
             Exit For
          End If
           If i = 3 And y <> "=SERIES(F!$B$15,F!$C$12:$H$12,F!$C$15:$H$15,3)" Then
             ok = False
             Exit For
          End If
           If i = 4 And y <> "=SERIES(F!$B$16,F!$C$12:$H$12,F!$C$16:$H$16,4)" Then
             ok = False
             Exit For
          End If
     Next i
  End If
  End If
  If ok Then
    SetCellValue "F", "A9", "对"
   SetCellValue "F", "A9", "错"
  End If
End Sub

 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-18 16:37:31 | 显示全部楼层


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