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[83/84] TI-84 Plus CE 发布

发表于 2015-1-15 22:00:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
屏幕快照 2015-01-15 下午9.55.58.png
Back in November 2012, Cemetech was the first to announce the existence of TI's first color-screen non-Nspire calculator, the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. Now, two years later, we are thrilled to bring you a first look at TI's new TI-84 Plus CE calculator. A natural evolution of the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition towards the thinner, lighter feel of the TI-Nspire CX and the HP Prime calculators, this new model appears to answer many of the complaints about the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. However, there is much we still don't know about the calculator (see the More Information links at the bottom of this article). Here's what we do know so far, based on TI's and Vernier's released info:
  • The TI-84 Plus CE has the same key layout (but with squarer keys) and the same keystrokes to navigate the OS as the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition
  • The operating system will start at OS 5.0 (as proven by the existence of EasyData 5.0 - thanks to critor for spotting this).
  • The calculator drops the 20-year-old 2.5mm I/O port and moves the USB port and charging LED to the right side of the device.
  • The TI-84 Plus CE has 150KB of user RAM and 3.0MB of user Archive (source: Vernier).
  • The calculator is qualitatively "very fast", based on a deleted Reddit comment. Perhaps most striking, this is likely the first TI-8x calculator since the TI-80 to not use a z80 CPU. Speculation abounds whether this device uses an ez80 or is an ARM emulating a z80. Current evidence points to the latter: the calculator appears to be nearly identical in dimensions to the TI-Nspire CX, and the likelihood of TI re-using existing hardware rather than re-tooling an entire ASIC is high.
  • The TI-84 Plus CE has either a charging port on the bottom, like the TI-Nspire CX, or metal contacts for charging on the side, like the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition
  • Unless Vernier made a copy-and-paste error, the calculator will retail for $129, the same retail price as the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition.
What do you think about this new calculator? Is it the answer to bringing the TI-83+/TI-84+ line into the 21st century, or is it a misguided attempt to refresh a disappointing calculator? We on the Cemetech administration team are very excited at TI's continued commitment to the TI-84+CSE series, hope we'll be able to update our books, documentation, and tools to support the new calculator soon, and can't wait to get our hands on the device!
发表于 2015-1-25 22:11:05 | 显示全部楼层
Most of the questions have already been answered to on TI-Planet, with the almost identical french model, the TI-83 Premium CE : ... mp;p=175812#p175812
发表于 2015-1-30 20:13:50 | 显示全部楼层
•操作系统将在OS 5开始(由easydata 5存在证明由于克里托尔发现这个)。
•计算器下降20 2.5mm的I/O端口和USB端口充电时LED器件的右侧。
•的ti84加CE具有用户RAM和用户档案3.0mb 150kb(来源:游标)。
•计算器是定性的“很快”,基于删除Reddit的评论。也许最引人注目的,这可能是第一个由于ti-80 ti-8x计算器不使用Z80 CPU。投机盛产是否装置使用EZ80或手臂仿真Z80。目前的证据表明,后者:计算器似乎是几乎相同的尺寸范围内的Ti和Ti CX,重新使用现有的硬件,而不是重新加工,整个ASIC高的可能性。
你怎么看待这种新的计算器吗?它是将TI-83 + / ti84 +线到第二十一世纪的答案,或者这是一个错误的尝试,刷新一个失望的计算器吗?我们的管理团队在TI cemetech继续致力于ti84 + CSE系列非常兴奋,希望我们能够更新我们的书籍,文件和工具,以支持新的计算器很快,迫不及待地拿到手上的装置! = 716 ... eview-page/overview
发表于 2015-1-31 09:32:02 | 显示全部楼层
在2012年11月,Cemetech第一次公布了Ti的彩色,非Nspire系计算器的存在--Ti84+CSE。两年后的今天,我们非常兴奋能带给你新计算器--Ti84+CE的第一手资料。这是一次非常“理所应当“的升级,将Ti84+CSE变得更薄、更轻,就如同Nspire CX和HP Prime的感觉一样。尽管如此,我们对于这个机器还是知之甚少(见文章底部的连接),下面是我们目前所了解的,主要基于Ti和Vernier所发布的信息。
  • 操作系统最低版本是OS5.0。(由EasyData5.0的存在得到证实,感谢critor提出这点)
  • 这台机器放弃了沿用20年之久的2.5mm I/O接口,只剩下了位于机器右侧的USB接口和LED充电指示灯。
  • Ti84+CE拥有150KB的用户RAM和3.0MB的Archive空间(来自Vernier)
  • 这台机器本身“非常快“,来自一篇已经被删除的Reddit评论。最引人注目的--也许这将成为自Ti80以来第一台没有使用Z80处理器的8x系计算器。有人猜测这台机器会使用EZ80或使用ARM来模拟一颗z80处理器。现在的证据指向了后者。从那非常接近Nspire CX的外观上来看,Ti很可能会再利用已经设计好的硬件,而不是再设计一个ASIC。
  • Ti84+CE有两个充电接口--类似于Nspire的底部接口和类似于Ti84+CSE的侧边充电接口
  • 除非Vernier复制错了什么,这台机器的零售价是129$,与Ti84+CSE完全相同。
你怎么看待这款新计算器呢?它将把Ti83+/84+这个产品线带到21世纪?或者只是在翻新一款令人失望的计算器,一次错误的尝试?我们在Cemetech的管理团队非常看好Ti对于Ti84+CSE负责的态度,并且希望能继续更新我们的书籍、文档以及工具来支持这款即将上市的新计算器,我们已经迫不及待地想要摸到实机了! ... eview-page/overview

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