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发表于 2013-8-7 12:14:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 nbzwt 于 2013-8-8 19:54 编辑

原文来自tiplanet,原作者adriweb,部分段落以及视频来自critor,在此对他们表示感谢,本人只是搬运&翻译,如有错误,欢迎指出。翻译完全依靠Google Translate+人工修正,部分感觉不通的就直接意译了。



Salut à tous,

Après notre news avant-goût de la HP Prime grace à son logiciel, puis notre article de prise en main de la Classpad II fx-CP400, le concurrent potentiel de la Nspire CX CAS chez Casio, HP nous a donné l'autorisation de publier "en avance" des articles à propos de la Prime
在之前,为了对抗TI的Nspire CX CAS,卡西欧发布了FX-CP400,HP也没让我们失望,上次我们测试了预览版的HP Prime模拟器,现在HP已经同意我们正式性的写一些关于HP Prime。
Nous souhaitons d'abord remercier HP pour nous avoir fourni la calculatrice, et nous souhaitons aussi noter que ce test est effectué sur un matériel (et logiciel) non final et on peut donc s'attendre à ce que les versions de productions ne soient que mieux - les bugs triviaux rencontrés étant le plus souvent corrigés dans les mises-à-jour bêta régulières. Un premier OS final est prévu fin août.

Ce test a pour but de présenter l'impression générale de la calculatrice et ne rentre pas dans les détails des applications, déjà quelque peu abordés dans la news précédente (la première liée ci dessus - dont nous vous conseillons la lecture si ce n'est pas encore fait, ces deux news étant plus ou moins complémentaires.), et qui seront précisément le sujet d'un autre article prochainement : la comparaison des applications de la TI-Nspire, de la HP Prime et de la Casio fx-CP400.
本次测试主要讲的是对这款计算器的整体印象,并不会详测试其中的应用程序,部分也已经在之前的新闻中讨论过了(第一个链接就是),我们建议你在看本文前先看看那篇文章,当然,我们之后会做个HP Prime、Nspire和fx-CP400的横向对比



1) 整体表现
HP Prime.jpg
在一堆计算器中间的就是我们的HP Prime,我们期待很久的HP 2013回归之作,根据传闻,这应该是目前最强大的图形计算器。(然后,我编不下去了,下一句就不翻译了)
HP Prime-1.jpg HP Prime-2.jpg
HP Prime的外观设计很有他自己独特的风格,保护盖上有四个防滑垫,并有一个明显的HP浮雕标志。取下外壳,即可看见几个区域:上部黑色的区域包括了一个显示屏和一些功能按键,下面是银色的数字、符号按键。
HP Prime-3.jpg HP Prime-4.jpg
其尺寸为18.23 * 8.58(cm),盖上盖子也不过18.5*9(cm),这完全可以算是世界上最小的彩色图形计算器!


其厚度仅为1.39cm,超越了TI-Nspire CX的1.5-1.6cm而成为了世界上最薄的图形计算器!

HP Prime-5.jpg
HP Prime-6.jpg
HP Prime-7.jpg

2) 包装


  一台HP Prime,一张保修凭证,2条USB线(Micro A-Micro B , Micro B-Type A),一个USB适配器,一本快速入门指南
HP Prime的USB是OTG的,与nspire CX不同的是,它采用了MicroUSB,而非MiniUSB。

3) 设计和显示

- 尺寸:18.23×8.58×1.39厘米(7.13 x 3.38 x .550 英寸)
- 重量:228克(8.04盎司)


金属拉丝的选择也让我们想起了TI-Nspire CX Titanium概念


这里的屏幕是一个16位色的TFT显示屏,3.5英寸(8.9厘米)(65,536色),多点触控,分辨率为320x240像素。114 PPI(略低于Nspire或CP400,125~128)


HP-Prime是由锂离子电池供电。连接方式与一般手机一样,属于接触式。 电池的电压为3.7V,容量为1500mAh。容量上大于TI-Nspire。Nspire是在2010年的Touchpad上加入的锂离子电池


- 屏幕中间出现HPl ogo
- 开机动画(圆方程图)
- 显示语言选择(仅第一次启动)
- 主屏幕(数值计算)


5) 计算和图形


Calculs : 计算:
再讲一次,因为它确实是一个本机的特点:数字和符号模式(CAS)是分开的。数字也是默认模式和主屏幕(“Home”的图标)。要使用CAS(基于Xcas ),只需按下按钮。
tShSn7H.jpg QgFFU0N.jpg
Mode numérique (écran d'accueil) et mode formel (CAS)数字模式(主屏幕)和符号模式(CAS)

RPN是HP Prime原生支持的,但是和CAS并不兼容。

当你不知道或者不习惯,有些图形是相当难以理解。举个例子,矩阵编辑。 光标在等待进入的第一个单元格(闪烁)的时候,这两个符号“或多或少”有定位光标,这样,当你输入一个数字,矩阵扩展输入所选择的方向和数量,或当您按Del后列或行变淡。当了解了之后,会认为这样是理所当然,但它是不是很直观。

Graphiques : 图形: (我要疯掉了,大家看英文翻译吧)
. The graphics capabilities are divided into several applications: Features, Advanced Graphics, parametric, polar, following geometry. It also has the "explorers" quadratic, trigonometric and refined.
. Nothing too complicated to be able to draw what you want: by the way, we choose the corresponding application, and returns the equations in the available window . Then based on . For a table of values, based on . All this is rather intuitive, and the plot is fast. Note however that it is limited to 10 lines. Although I do not see the interest to draw more than 10 curves at the same time, I see no more interest to voluntarily limit the number to 10.
. Nothing special to say about the features offered in basic applications - neither too much nor too little. . HP has focused on the ability of the machine to draw impressive graph calculator can draw no other. And saw the screenshots, it's probably true:
All this is certainly fine but ... what is the interest in the French education? Did you ever need / want / fun type a formula such as (SIN((p/LN(2))*LN(2*v(X^2+Y^2)*(6*COS(ATAN((MIN(ABS(X),ABS(Y))/MAX(ABS(X),ABS(Y)))))+v(36*COS(ATAN((MIN(ABS(X),ABS(Y))/MAX(ABS(X),ABS(Y)))))^2-27))))*SIN((p/LN(2))*LN(2*v(X^2+Y^2)*(6*COS(ATAN((MIN(ABS(X),ABS(Y))/MAX(ABS(X),ABS(Y)))))-v(36*COS(ATAN((MIN(ABS(X),ABS(Y))/MAX(ABS(X),ABS(Y)))))^2-27)))))=0 ?

6) 交互和用户体验
.  Contrairement à l'approche choisie par Casio avec sa CP400 fournie avec un stylet, HP a choisi pour l'utilisateur un outil dont dispose tout le monde : les doigts.En effet, les doigts, car l'écran est multi-touch et certaines gestures sont utilisées par exemple dans l'explorateur trigo. pour changer l'amplitude et la période, ou dans le tableur pour changer la taille des cellules. Malheureusement le multi-touch n'est pas vraiment développé pour le moment (on aurait bien aimé un zoom, tout simplement, dans les graphiques, c'est un peu la première chose à laquelle on pense pour une application du multi-touch dans une calculatrice graphique....). C'est frustrant !

.  En monotouch, l'OS est correctement adapté à cette interface. Nous somme agréablement surpris, d'ailleurs, de la grande fluidité lors des défilements, sur, par exemple l'écran des applications, ou dans un graphique.Vous l'auriez déja constaté dans la vidéo ci-dessus, d'ailleurs Une remarque qui est peut-être moins objective que le reste: il n'y a pas de "bounce/elastic scrolling" comme on peut en voir sur certains appareils tactile, et qui permet de ne pas avoir un arrêt brusque.Dans les Settings par exemple, on note l'absence totale de scrolling, par contre, malgré le fait que la gesture soit un swipe pour passer d'une page à une autre) (hum, pas facile à dire en bon français, tout ca... mouvement du doigt / glissement ? Bref, vous aurez compris.)
.   On note toutefois un problème au niveau de l'interface et du tactile : certains éléments du GUI (interface graphique) requièrent obligatoirement une interaction tactile alors qu'il n'y en aurait pas besoin . Par exemple, une liste déroulante : Impossible de la faire dérouler et donc de choisir une option si l'on ne la touche pas avec le doigt : aucune action clavier n'y est attribué. C'est tout de même étrange qu'HP "force" l'utilisation du tactile où son usage n'est ni naturel ni facteur d'amélioration de l'expérience.Peut-être que cet aspect sera amélioré dans des mises-à-jour si la demande est suffisante ?文段大意:在部分应用中,目前只能使用触摸操作,比如说下拉列表,按键是没有用的。有些时候,强制用户去使用触摸并不科学。希望在新的版本中可以改进。

Clavier : 键盘:
.  Le clavier est très agréable à utiliser.C'est certes une opinion personnelle, mais les touches ne s'enfoncent ni trop durement, ni trop mollement ; l'équilibre a bien été dosé, et il semble que ce soit un point récurrent sur les machines HP.

. 。 Comme vous pouvez le voir sur les photos et/ou sur l'émulateur, chaque touche ou presque possède 3 fonctions, ce qui est ni trop ni pas assez, dont les fonctions secondaires sont accessibles avec Shift ou Alpha.

. 。 En parlant d'Alpha....说起阿尔法.... la Prime permet d'écrire en minuscule, et majuscules, caps-lock ou non.Prime具有大写锁定功能。 Mais les manipulations pour ce faire ne sont pas des plus simples, ou du moins c'est ce qu'on peut croire en lisant la section associée sur le manuel (copie d'écran ci-contre).但做到这一点很麻烦,或者至少需要阅读一遍手册(截图)。  
Ce qui aurait pu être écrit pour être plus clair : "Pour écrire une majuscule, appuyez d'abord sur ALPHA. Pour une minuscule, appuyez d'abord sur Shift puis Alpha. Pour entrer en mode Lock (minuscule ou majuscule), rajoutez un appui sur "ALPHA" à la fin des combinaisons précédentes. Pour sortir du mode lock : 'Esc'. ".“ Les cas spéciaux (injections d'une lettre de casse différente lors d'un mode Lock) sont disponibles, pourquoi pas, mais il faut vraiment le vouloir...En fait, c'est dans ce genre situations que l'on se rend compte qu'un vrai clavier séparé comme sur Nspire est pratique...

Applications / Interface:
This is a big point. Do not wait also find here a list of comments on the application itself, it is among other things the purpose of the next news. Here we will talk about the user experience against ergonomics implemented by HP through the applications and interface through the OS in general etc..
First, you see, HP has not at all taken up the idea of IT on the Nspire system having a system based on applications ("widgets") in a tab ("page") part of an activity (group of tabs) in a single document (. tns), which themselves can be found among others in the document map. And if need / emergency, the presence of "Scratchpad" kind of "popup" which brings together more or less temporary application of computing and graphics application (so basically, the principal of a graphing calculator).

In short, the Nspire has a rather close to what can be found on a computer, the final architecture. And I think that is among other things this way of thinking that has attracted many users Nspire: This is intuitive because we are used to such behavior, especially when one is not already used to another platform, of course.
What the Prime offers is radically different approaches and in fact the thinking of what is on the other calculators that Nspire, ie ... no file system. But not like the TI-z80 (82,83,84 ..): Everything goes through an application system. It could be compared to the TI-68k (89.92, v200)
We find ourselves in a kind of "scratchpad" giant where all applications are available (but not at the same time ....) without being able to save the contents of a "session" that could readily contain several applications to form full activity on a particular topic such as on Nspire. The only 2 "applications" (which are not elsewhere, but I'm a misnomer), the numerical calculation and the CAS, which both have their respective key.
What we have is a system that can "clone" an application (the calculator embeds 18) customizing it with their own settings / original content. It's really strange for my taste and plenty to confuse users who do not understand the platform, why need to duplicate an application instead of being able to create its own "context" / document with such (s) or that (s) application (s) involved? To this, however, there is the possibility for Basic programs can "access" to the setting of the system and somehow facilitate customization in individual cases. These are custom and programs that users can transfer the calculator, as in other types of calculator TI-kind 68k z80 or applications.

But that's not all. Each application has its own features / main settings (via the [Symb] [Plot] and [Num]), its own "views" ("views"), its functions, and its own variables. Some functions and variables are against accessible from other applications.

On a document by GT Springer HP, we see better what is behind the likely primary application, "Function", one to use in order to plot functions (because yes, I said, if you are in another application, you can only do what it offers, as well as access to the calculation engine):
Oddly, the three windows are left captioned "App Views" while the system shows the views of the applications as:
What we see in the overall scheme above would rather 3 displays the main features of the application. More ... no luck, the official name is "view": . This adds a degree of confusion to unsuspecting users.

As mentioned previously, these three features are screens (respectively) viewable with keys , and (When the current application allows), which are very physical and therefore present when certain buttons do nothing ... I never liked the principle of having to carry the software and / or hardware with things that are useless in some contexts, it is a mess and it unnecessarily occupies the place.

Anyway, back on topic: each App. has or not a behavior associated with these three keys, "Symb" for all that is supposed to be "symbolic" (basically, the primary data and settings of the application.) "Plot" for everything is graphic and "Num" ... regarding digital (usually some kind of table).

A few words about the "views": again, it is a physical button is not available everywhere / all the time ( ), And a whole list of shortcuts and related features in connection with the application (for some reason the graphics applications, six are four shortcuts for zooming).

In summary, I repeat, but it's really the most part, Prime forces you to think through application, and one at a time, so you cloister in his field, and as long as you do not go, you able to do anything other than what why the application was created. For example, you can not have multiple windows graphics, multiple windows spreadsheets, editors etc. programs. Basically, no "multitasking" so to speak. It is however not the technical capabilities that are missing from this machine ... In short: Troubling ... but not necessarily very disturbing when you need to do one thing at a time and nothing more. But once you want to do more, this is simply not done.

In fact ... it becomes increasingly picky, yes, but it is still annoying in the long run to have interfaces that are not consistent with each other (in the sense of "consistent" year English), application / View to another, and I think it is not very professional, really. Examples? :

Most often, if not always, when there is a status bar, it is for good, and overall the system (think the OS computers, but also on other calculators, all only). The Prime .... it is present in some places, absent other ... (And if a reason was the extra space on the screen, see the next item )
This is also valid for a menu bar. It's always displayed elsewhere. But at times it has 6 buttons, some of which may be empty, sometimes there are "holes" sometimes one button is displayed .... It is not very uniform, all that ... One might think that in some cases, it is in an effort to adapt to the current application design is assortisse with context ... but in this case, why not have chosen a more optimal solution for my taste (and this is also implemented on the Nspire, by the way): displaying a real menu on the support (and not otherwise, history save space on the screen) a button (on the keyboard, like, just in case ...? Except this ... when available button (I mean by that is not "nothing"), only serves to make the bridge recall phrases between the engine and the formal numerical calculation engine as well as access to the system "Messages").

Here the multitude of appearances can make this menu bar / actions, the most striking remaining empty buttons, which also reinforce certain asymmetries.

Other "details" that hit a sharp eye?
Non-consistency again and non-optimized layout of some screens (here, plot setup):
It is hoped that such changes will be present in the up-to-date!

Fashion Review:
. The Premium features such as the TI-Nspire, a configurable Exam mode (we talked about elsewhere here ), but with a far greater choice - in fact, it turns out that almost all the functionality is actually deactivated.
Here is a picture the General setup menu, the selection of features to block, and an example of CAS blocked (via the menu  access to functions from the main screen, digital computation)
rPy1viX.jpg NVzWGy8.jpg qaY5rSp.jpg

The review mode is activated for a certain time and off either end of this period, or if the user enters the password set during configuration.
The audit examination mode is possible for both supervisors from the ranks thanks to the band headlined from blue to red for supervisors facing candidates through the three blue LEDs / green / red upper back also visible through the plastic housing if the calculator is too tilted.

7) Other Applications / Programming
- Programming is done especially on the calculator directly, HP Basic, known for its speed. The language is compatible with the HP-39GII. You can see benchmarks and comparisons with many calculators on HP-Museum
In summary, we have, for the same program (the syntax near according to the manufacturer) that implements the algorithm of N-Queen: 1min30 on Casio CP300 + (!), 2.1 sec on TI-Nspire and 0.4s on HP Premium.
In short, the HP Premium has, according to these tests, non-compiled language (interpreted, if this is indeed a) Official fastest calculator on after about Nspire Lua (0.045 sec.) For outstanding performance of Basic, then! What would Lua if HP authorized ... ?
Speaking of "unauthorized", we note that, yes, unfortunately, only Basic is possible (and not sysrpl as there has been on other HP models). For all we know, the SDK is not intended - and therefore no native programming in C or assembler, and not approach halfway with language such as Lua, it's a shame . However, nothing precludes the platform if interested a number of people, we can expect that one day or the other, flaws are found and used to open the machine to native development, as Ndless is on the TI-Nspire.

8) Miscellaneous:
Some things noticed in the use of the machine, we missed (or were not present) in our news on the emulator:

Strangely ... there is no option to change the brightness of the screen! It lacks enough and that's a shame (this also makes it difficult to take pictures in places that are dark ...) We hope this will be implemented in production versions.

It is possible to change the font size of tables (in split view with a graph, for example) multitouch (it was not marked in the manual that, though? ), So it is an independent adjustment of the general police, that does not offer the Nspire (one global setting).

The Reset button on the back of the calculator is inaccessible or impossible to push if you do not have a very fine point, the pin type. Forget the pencil leads of fine pens that work on Nspire and many other calculators. Hopefully this means that the OS is extremely stable ...? Otherwise, I doubt that some long resist the expansion of the small hole so that at least a pencil tip that goes. (The button itself on the motherboard is much larger, so no worries at this level.)

There is copy / paste, but other handy shortcuts, and present on Nspire as Ctrl-A (select all), Ctrl-Z (undo), Ctrl-Y (redo) are not implemented (except via a menu in the Notes / Info).

For the moment ... it is impossible to make selections other than "block" or the mathematical expression, for example, is featured! I saw on the internet that was not planned, otherwise I will not be made this remark in thinking it would be quickly corrected .... but no. To resume in a previous calculation expression rather complex, so you need to take fully and remove the parts you do not want, piece by piece ....

(Another one for the road, although it is not related to the machine itself: on the software, the multitouch is implemented by detecting the mouse left and right mouse buttons at the same time - followed by a shift .)

For the moment, we do not have the software transfer ("connectivity kit"), but it will be soon.

We have not had the chance to test the calculator with its extensions, such as sensors via StreamSmart, or wireless module. However, we imagine that this can only be the most

In no particular order, here is a table that summarizes somehow good points and areas for improvement:
1、设计 舒适度


- For the first version of OS (! And yet, here we have a draft, which can be improved in before the official release) on the new machine, HP hits hard to compete with Casio and especially IT.
The negative points listed above show clearly that the efforts should be HP in the future are on the software side (which is a good point: a hardware change is always annoying ...), we can not wait to see the next day to put these points will soar on the wrong side of the balance

- A note that we can not go far wrong I guess, is that this calculator is really a good choice especially for people who are already in the world of work and in need of a swift and portable system powerful, but also for teachers and students / pupils who are not in a very focused on educational activities with calculators education system (in France or Europe, so the premium should be intense competition in IT, but probably less in the USA ). Indeed, as mentioned above, the Nspire offers much more potential at this level, especially with the ability to have real document / file containing a saved application in a particular state together and organized the way of its creator. This is not at all the approach chosen by HP, which argues for the use of a single application at a time. This does not mean that files educational aims will not arise for the Premium platform - there will surely and will have to adapt to what it proposes with the presentation of the content. The future will tell!

Stay tuned for our great news comparison applications of TI-Nspire, the HP Prime and Casio fx-CP400
发表于 2013-8-7 17:54:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-8-8 00:01:11 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-8-8 07:05:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 critor 于 2013-8-8 07:12 编辑

I don't know if it's easier for you, but we've now translated the test to english.

Hello everyone,

After our pre-release HP Prime test thanks to its software, then our hands-on Classpad II fx-CP400 test article, the potential competitor of the Nspire CX CAS from Casio
HP gave us the green light to publish articles about the HP Prime in advance :)
We would like to give thank HP for giving us the calculator, and we would also note that this test was made on a prototype calculator hardware (and software), and thus we can safely say that production versions can only be the same or better - trivial bugs found on beta OS updates being quickly fixed in the next updates. A first final OS is to be announced by the end of August. ;-)

This test is aimed to show you our general thoughts about the calculator and doesn’t go
in depth about applications, which was dealt with a little bit in a previous news (the first link above) - we recommend you to read it if haven't already, those two news - this one and the last one - are complementary, and details will be the topic of an another article soon : the comparison between TI-Nspire applications, HP Prime, and Casio fx-CP400.

Enjoy :)

  • 1) Global presentation
  • 2) Packaging & connectivity
  • 3) Design & Screen
  • 4) Power supply & Boot
  • 5) The most important : Math and Graphs
  • 6) Interaction and user experience
  • 7) Others applications / Programming
  • 8) Misc.
  • 9) Conclusion

1) Global presentation
This beast you find in the middle, we would pleasantly take just as yet-another scientific calculator, however it’s NOT ; it's the HP Prime, the brand new 2013 back-to-school buzzed-about calculator, and it is apparently the (most) powerful of the graphing calculators list. And also, this girly-we-would-say is not eye-appealing and can be put with its calculator friends, limiting thief risks ... until we actually see the front side.

This one done, it shows a unique very clean design and a collapsable cover with 4 anti-slipping pads, set with a “hp” silver-colored embossed logo. The cover removed, the calculator shows two areas : a black one at the top with the screen where you can see the clickpad and some application keys, and a silver-colored bottom area with the numpad, operation and function keys.

How could we miss it that much ? With only 18,23x8,58cm2, it is of course the smallest CAS-capable graphing calculator worldwide !

Despite this, it places itself on second position on the screen size (behind the Casio fx-CP400), with a screen of 320x240 pixels (like TI-Nspire), but with a bigger surface of of 7x5,4cm2. The screen takes the spotlight, leaving thin lateral and superior borders.

However, with only 1,39cm thinness without cover, and 1,5 to 1,6 with, it gets rid of TI-Nspire CX in the thinness race, and becomes the world’s thinnest CAS-capable calculator ;)

And finally, by weighting 228g, and even 180g without cover and 140g without the battery, it is also the lightest CAS-equipped graphing calculator ever marketed. A very nice pocket-sized handheld :)

2) Packaging & Connections
Here’s the packaging :

And now its content :

(also with a CD-ROM not shown here)

  • The HP-Prime calculator
  • Warranty booklet
  • 2 USB cables (micro-USB A <-> micro USB B for  Prime<->Prime and micro-USB B <-> USB A for Prime<->computer)
  • 1 USB wall-plug converter (there for North America)
  • A quick start guide


As it is more and more the case on ultrathin devices, the HP-Prime calculator has a micro-USB mixed plug (A-type and B-type). Thus it can be used as a computer device (micro-USB B-type) or receive from  its own type(micro-USB A-type). Take note that those cables are not as widespread as mini-USB cables that are not compatible. Made that way, you should take care not to lose them and to have them ready to use.

3) Design & Screen
As indicated on the sticker on the back, we have here a DVT prototype:

Specifications :
- Size : 18.23 x 8.58 x 1.39 cm (7.13 x 3.38 x .550 in)
- Weight : 228 g (8.04 oz)

As said before, the design is very well made. While its weight is quite low, it is still easy to use it.

The brushed metal reminds us of a calc-concept made by Levak; the TI-Nspire CX Titanium ;)

Let's note that on this prototype, the color of the calculator’s back is white. On production models, it will be changed to black.

The screen is a 16-bits color (65536 colors) 3.5" (8.9 cm) multi-touch TFT screen, with a 320x240pixels resolution. Thus giving a 114 ppi resolution (slight lower than the TI-Nspire or the CP400, respectively 125~128)

4) Power supply & Boot

The HP-Prime is powered by a Li-ion battery, which doesn’t need any cable. It's very easily put inside the calculator. The battery has a 3.7V voltage like the TI-Nspire, but for a 1500mAh capacity (giving a total of 5,55Wh). Thus it gives a higher capacity than white TI-Nspire batteries shipped with TI-Nspire Touchpad (in 2010), and its spec always lowered since that. You can find what TI makes here to compare..

But beyond the battery specs, one has to see if the calculators actually consumes less power. According to HP, the battery is fully charged in 4 hours and would give the calc 20 hours of "normal" usage.

After booting, we have in this order :
- HP Logo splashscreen
- Boot animation (circle equation then its graph)
- Language selection screen (only during the first boot)
- Main screen (numeric calculus)

The complete boot (when totally unpowered) takes around 8 seconds. Very fast, then, like the Casio fx-CP400, making the Nspire ridiculous. Maybe security software overlays are different behind those booting times...


5) The most important : Math and Graphs
While those essential informations were addressed on our previous news thanks to the emulator, and will be readdressed in depth soon in our application comparaison between Prime, Nspire, and CP400, here are some thoughts and a user feeling feedback of the usage on the real calculator.
Some points are actually so important that they may also appeared in comparaison news and could be already addressed on the previous article.

  • Calculus :
    . Lets say this again as it is quite important : the numeric mode and the CAS mode are separated. The numeric mode (which actually has an exact engine) is the default mode and is the homescreen as well (“home” icon). To enjoy the CAS engine (based on the French, free Xcas engine), you only have to press the “CAS” key.
    From the user POV (used to the Nspire), we are not convinced that this separation is very useful. In fact, it is perfectly possible from the CAS to ask for an answer with a numeric approximation (approx() function). So... why would we limit ourselves ? And that’s quickly annoying as it makes the user angry when we are not in the right mode, and seeing “Syntax Error” out of nowhere (depending on the case, letters are not automatically variables - you must create them) or unobvious results (most of the times 0, because variables are initially 0).

    tShSn7H.jpg QgFFU0N.jpg
    Numeric mode (homescreen) and CAS

    . We remind you that if you are a RPN fan, the Prime boasts a native input for this :) However, it is not usable with the CAS, unfortunately...

    . When we are not used to it or new to the platform, some graphics are... cryptic. This one, for instance, shows a matrix being edited. The cursor is effectively on the first cell waiting (flashing), and the 2 symbols “plus or minus” are here to put the cursor so when you input a number, the matrix grows up in the wanted direction and when the number input is done, or when you press del, the column or row where you are deletes itself. Once we understood, however, it looks like “well, why not.”. However, it’s not very intuitive for the user.

  • Graphing :
    . Graphic features are spread accross several applications : Functions, Advanced graphing, parametric, polar, sequences, geometry. We also have “explorators” : quadratic, trigonometric, and affine.
    . Nothing hard to graph everything we would like : depending on the mode, we choose the corresponding application, we put the equations on the available windows by
    . We then press . To have a table with corresponding values, we press . All this looks intuitive, and the graphing is very, very fast.
    However, we can only have 10 graphs. Even if I don’t see any interest to graph 10 graphs simultaneously, I do not neither see the reason to actually limit the software to this amount.

    . Nothing specific to tell you about functions offered on basic applications - not too much, nor not enough.

    . HP really insisted on the graphing capacity of the Prime, which other calculators can't dream of reaching. And by looking at those screenshots, it is probably true :

    It looks very well made but... what’s the point of all this in the curriculum ? (French, at least.. .?)
    Have you ever had or wanted to input a formula like :

6) Interaction and user experience

  • Touch side :
    . In contrary to the Casio approach with the CP400 shipped with a stylus, HP chose something that everyone has : fingers.
    Indeed, the fingers, because the screen is multi-touch and some gestures are used for instance like in the trigonometric explorator to change amplitude or period, or in the spreadsheet to modify cell sizes. Unfortunately, the multi-touch is not yet developed enough (we would have liked a zoom, obviously, on graphing, as it is probably the first thought you could have of a multi-touch on a graphing calculator...). Frustating !

    . Regarding mono-touch, the OS is very well adapted for its interface. We are surprised however, by the smoothness while scrolling, for instance the applications screen, or on a graphic. You probably also saw it on the video at the top. :)
    However, a more subjective observation than the other ones : there is no “bounce/elastic scrolling” like we could see on other touch devices, which allows us not to have an instant stop before going out of bounds.
    In Settings for instance, we have absolutely no scrolling however, even though a swipe works to go from a page to another.

    . However we note a problem around the interface and touch input : some GUI (Graphical User Interface) elements require a touch interaction even if you thought it’s not needed. For instance, a drop-down list : Impossible to expand it out and thus impossible to choose an option if we do not use our finger : no keypad interaction is given for this, weirdly enough. It's quite strange that HP “forces” touch usage when it’s not natural or does not improve the user experience.
    Maybe this software issue will be fixed in future updates if enough people report it ?

  • Keyboard :
    . The keyboard is very pleasant to use. It is however a personal opinion, but the keypresses are not too hard, not too soft ; it is well balanced, and this to be a habit on HP devices :)

    . As you could see on photos and/or the emulator, every (or almost) keys has 3 different functions, which is neither too much or not enough, as most secondary functions are available with Shift of Alpha.

    . Speaking of Alpha... the Prime allows us to write uppercase and lowercase, caps-lock on or off. However, those manipulations are not easily done, as we can see in the manual (see the screenshot)

    What could be made clearly : “To put capital letters, press first ALPHA. For a lowercase letter, press Shift first then Alpha. To enter Lock (capital or not), add an “ALPHA” keypress at the end of the previous combinations. To exit Lock mode : ‘Esc’. “. Special cases (adding a letter of a different caps mode) are available, why not, but you really would have to want it... In fact, it is a situation where a separate keyboard for characters is very useful, as on the Nspire...

    . Something else that would make TI calculator users annoyed : as you could probably note : the Enter key is not at the bottom right like other devices, but in the middle, at the right... How many time I went pressing “+” at the end of expressions, freezing my hands and watching the bottom right of the screen to wait for the result to show up without having a doubt that I didn’t press Enter... However, it is something to get used to, not much of a problem :)
  • Applications/Interface :
    This is... huge. Don't expect to find here a full list of things we could say about those applications, it is the subject of the soon-coming news :) Here, we will talk about user experience and the ergonomy made by HP through the applications and the OS interface in general, etc.

    First of all, HP did not pick up the TI's Nspire "architecture" of having a system based of applications (“widgets”), in a page (tab), taking place in an activity, inside a document (.tns file), which are available like others, in the document explorer. And if it’s needed or is an emergency, there is the “Scratchpad”, a sort of “popup” which has a calculator and a graphing application (the core of graphing calculators).
    Nspire architecture

    In short, the Nspire has an architecture close to the one found on computers. And I think it is something that attracted a lot of Nspire users : intuitive, since we are used to such a behavior, well, obviously when we are not used to an other platform, of course.

    What the Prime gives us is a radically different way and comes close to the way it is done on non-Nspire calculators, i.e... no file system architecture. But not unlike TI-z80 (82,83,84...) : Everything goes through a system of applications. It could be compared to TI-68k (89,92,v200).
    We are on a sort of giant “scratchpad” where all applications are available (but not at the same time...) while you can not save a “session” which could have several applications to create a full activity about a specific theme like on the Nspire. The 2 only “applications” (which are in fact not), are the numeric calculus and the CAS, which have their two respective keys on the keyboard.
    What we have, is a system which can “clone” an application (the calculator comes with 18 apps) by customizing with its own initial parameters/content. It is really weird for me and would leave people who do not master this with doubts and questions... : why should we duplicate an application instead of creating our own “context/document” with these or those applications ? In addition to this, however, is the possibility of Basic programs to “access” system parameters and thus makes easier to customize whatever where you want. It is indeed customized applications and programs which calculator users can transfer, like on other calculators as the TI-z80 or 68k.

    But that’s not all. Every application has its own principal features/settings (via [Symb], [Plot], and [Num]), its own “views”, its own functions, and its own variables. Some functions and variables are usable via other applications.

    On a document by G.T Springer from HP, we can see clearly what's behind the primary application, “Function”, which we must use to graph functions (and yes, I must write it, if we are in an another application, we can only do what it's made for (and access the calc functions, of course).

    Strangely, the 3 left panels are captioned “App Views” whereas the system shows those views of these applications like :
    What we do see in the global picture is more like the 3 principal features screen of the application. However... back luck, the official name is also “view” :
    . This adds a confusing layer for new users.

    As said before, those 3 screens have features which are (respectively) displayable with the keys , et (when the application allows it), which are physical keys and available even if it’s some do nothing... I’m not fond of this to book up even more the software and/or hardware with such things that are not used in some contexts, it is simply waste and take space for no use at all.

    In short, lets go back to the subject : each application has, or not, its own behavior, linked to 3 keys, “Symb” should be for everything “symbolic” (data and primary settings of the applications), “Plot” is for everything graphic, and “Num”... is for everything numeric (like a spreadsheet).

    Some words about those “views” : once again, it is a physical key which is not available all the time (), and list the whole shortcuts and features involved in the application (go figure why on graphic applications, 4 shortcuts out of 6 are for zooming).

    In short, I’m telling myself that it’s only the essential, the Prime forces your thoughts to think by application, and to restrain yourself in its domain, and as long as you do not exit it, you can not do something else if the application is not made for it. For instance, it is impossible to have several graphic windows opened at the same time, several spreadsheet windows, program editors, and so on. Thus no “multitasking” possible if I could say so. But the hardware is well capable of handling this !
    In short : Troubling ... but not necessarily disturbing when we need one thing to be done and only one (at at time). But if we need more, it's just not possible.

    By the way... we are indeed becoming more and more picky but … it is annoying to have some inconsistent UI, from an application to an another one, and I think that it’s not very professional, I would say. Some examples ? :

    * Most of the times on devices, if not always, when we have a status bar, it is there for forever, and is globally for the system (we could think about computers’ OS, but also other calculators). On the Prime... it is sometimes here, sometimes not here... (And if a reason was to get more working space on the screen, look at the next point ;-) )

    * This is also valid for a menu bar. It is always visible, too. But sometimes it has 6 buttons, and some can be empty ; sometimes there are “holes” ; sometimes only one button is visible... It is not that much uniformly made... We could wonder if it's in an effot to make the buttons be fit for their context... but, in this case, why not having provided a more optimal solution for our taste (and it is already implemented on Nspire, for example) : showing the real menu (and not otherwise, by getting space on the screen) a button is pressed (a physical one on the keyboard, obviously...) ? … but this button is not available (I’m saying it doesn’t do “nothing”), it is only here as a bridge -for recalling expressions- between the numeric and the CAS engine, and to access the “messages” system.)

    Here is the different looks that the menu/action bar can take, the most striking issue remaining those empty buttons that emphasize dissymmetry.

    * Others “details” for a detail-looker ?
    The inconsistence again and the unoptimized layout of some screens (here, plot setup) :

    We hope that those modifications will be available on future updates !

  • Exam mode :
    . The Prime features, like the TI-Nspire, a configurable Exam mode (we were speaking about it here), but with a larger choice of banning/allowing features - in fact, we can pretty much get rid of all features.

    Here is an image of the general configuration menu, the features choices to block, and an example of blocked CAS (through the menu allowing quick access to functions from the home screen -numeric calculus-)
    rPy1viX.jpg NVzWGy8.jpg qaY5rSp.jpg

    The Exam mode can be turned off after a fixed time or if the user enters the password used while configuring the Exam mode.
    The Exam mode verification is possible by supervisors when they walk through the rows thanks to a banner going from blue to red, facing supervisors with 3 blue/green/red superior LED visibles from the back if the case of the calculator is not too much leaned.

    7) Other applications / Programming
    - Programming on the calculator is possible, in HP Basic, known for its lightning-fast speed. This language is compatible with HP-39GII.
    You can see some benchmarks and comparisons with many calculators on

    In short, we have, for the same program (only syntax differs according to the maker) of the N-Queen algorithm :
    1min30 on the Casio CP300+ (!), 2.1 sec on TI-Nspire, and 0.4s on the HP Prime.

    Thus, the HP Prime has, according to those tests, the fastest non-compiled language (interpreted ; if it’s one), behind Lua on Nspire (0.045 sec.), a remarkable performance for a Basic language ! What would Lua give if HP allowed it... ?

    Speaking about “non allowed” (at least, not implemented), we can note that only Basic is possible (and no SysRPL unlike other HP calculator models). As far as we know, no SDK is planned - and thus no native Programming in C or ASM, and not even a mid-range language like Lua. That's too bad...
    However, it is not impossible that if the platform is getting developers interested in it enough, we might see security exploits found and used to allow native calculator language, like on the TI-Nspire through the Ndless jailbreak.

    8) Misc :
    Some points we found while using the calculator, that we’ve missed (or were not here) on our news on the emulator :

    • Weirdly... no option to change brightness ! It is missing and it’s something important that should have been made (makes very hard to take photos when the contrast is not high enough, i.e. bright rooms for instance...) We hope it gets implemented on production versions.
      EDIT : It's actually there, just not documented : [ON] + [+]/[-]
    • It is possible to change the cell size on spreadsheets (with split view with a graph for instance) in multi-touch (it wasn’t written on the manual, no ? :D), thus it’s a general independant font setting, which the Nspire doesn’t provide (only one global setting).
    • The Reset button, on the back of the calculator, is hardly usable or even impossible to press without a very thin spike. Forget pencil leads or thin stylus which works on Nspire and many other calculators. We hope that this means that the OS is butter stable … ? ;-) Otherwise, I don’t think people will not try to increase the hole size, so a pencil lead can access the button (on the motherboard, the button is way much bigger, so no problem on this side).
      Edit : [On]+[Symb] seems to do the trick too :)
    • Copy/paste exists, but more shortcuts could be used, as available on Nspire, like Ctrl-A (select all), Ctrl-Z (cancel), Ctrl-Y (redo), which are not implemented (only through a menu in Notes/Info).
    • Currently... it is not possible to select something else than a “block” or some other mathematical expressions, for instance ! I saw on Internet that this wasn’t intended, otherwise I wouldn’t address this to you by thinking it would get fixed in later releases... but no. To restart from a previous complex calculation, you have to select all of it and remove all the unwanted parts one by one...
    • (While we’re here, another one even if not linked to the calculator itself : On the software, the multi-touch is implemented by pressing both left and right keys on the mouse at the same time - followed by a motion.)
    • Currently, we do not have the transfer software (“connectivity kit”), but it will soon come.
    • We couldn’t have yet test the calculator with its extensions, such as StreamSmart sensors, or the wireless module. We imagine clearly that this would be a bonus :)

    Without any particular order, here’s a table which summarizes the good parts and those that may need some improvements :
    Main positive points :
    • Design / Comfort
    • Specifications
    • Overall speed (calcaultions, graphs, programs)
    • Basic compatibility with the HP-39Gii
    • Good color screen usage
    • Good CAS engine (even if some points have to be improved)
    • Price (relative to its competitors ; 155
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